At KSquare, you can rest assured your financial goals are in good hands.

All of us have ‘financial junk drawers’ stuffed with paperwork, legal docs, brokerage statements, bank statements, insurance policies, tax docs, etc. At KSquare, we sort through all the sundry “stuff,” to build valuable financial road maps that bring the ‘forest and the trees’ into meaningful focus.

KSquare Financial Planning process and design is personalized. True wealth plans must be logical, realistic and easy to comprehend. Once base data is verified, the creation of a functional and highly effective financial ‘blueprint’ commences.

Personal financial planning can be intimidating in its complexity. Yet, it doesn’t have to be. We prioritize objectives using building block, structured methods that place control of your total financial well-being where it belongs . . . with you!

Conflict Free Advice

Conflict Free Advice

Goal Based Investments

Goal Based Investments

Convenient Transactions

Convenient Transactions


  • Retirement Planning
  • Investment Portfolio & Asset Allocation Designs
  • Estate Planning & Legacy Technique Analyses
  • Cash Flow, Budget, & Expense Analysis
  • Net Worth Analytics
  • Income Tax Planning
  • Secondary & College Savings Planning
  • Insurance Policy Evaluations
  • Charitable Giving Strategies

Why Choose ksquare timeline?

With a decade of experience as a as a financial advisor, ksquare timeline has the expertise and experience required to help our clients make the best decisions with respect to their finances.
  • We understand that you have worked hard to earn your money. As a financial advisor, we keep that in mind, as we work to help you get the best possible returns on the investments that you make.
  • All of our clients are provided access to our custom CRM for a complete overview of all the investments made. Further investments and mutual fund purchases can be monitored through the CRM.
  • Our online portal enables clients to make payments directly to the mutual fund provider. ksquare timeline does not handle mutual funds payments itself.
  • We utilize a 5 level security system to safeguard all personal information of our clients as well as their transactions. Payments can be made in complete confidence.

Schedule an appointment with our Relationship Manager

A financial plan for you and your family

  • Will have a better understanding of your current financial position.
  • Determine attainable retirement, education, insurance, and other financial goals.
  • Review goals, funding strategies, and alternatives to balance all goals.
  • Have the necessary financial resources set aside to fund your goals as they occur.
  • Reduce the effects of unexpected events such as disability, premature death etc.

You need not be very rich to have a financial plan. No matter how much you earn and at what age, a plan is important to make your life easier. As your financial situation influences almost every aspect of your life, a regular financial plan can help give you peace of mind and protect you from unforeseen, unfavorable situations. Once you have a working personal financial plan, you can use it to make informed financial choices. Having a good financial plan will allow you an over view of what you can afford. It will allow you to analyze your wants versus your needs. It also provides you a way to see how to avoid major financial mistakes in the future.